Here's a message to the 50% of the country that thinks Donald Trump wants to
step back up to the presidency to make things "great again". He does... but
Once he critically disables our government by wiping out our system of checks and balances, which he has already
partially completed, and once he replaces those that swear an oath to the Constitution with loyalist
cronies, Trump will
Trump wants to follow
precisely the same playbook here to reign over us with a small group of cleptocratic oligarchs
(that means filthy-rich people protected by a dictator in order to steal everything from the people)
who will dismantle everything of value and
Any FOOL that is still buying into Trump's promises had better take take a moment to be honest with himself
before casting a vote in the 2024 election. Think of your family.
Once Trump is in power you will see
Those of you that think you are electing Trump to be your "Ass-Kicker in Chief" to rout out all the people that don't
see things your way, and to transform this country into an idyllic utopia where all the people you don't like
are locked up or kicked out...
you are DEAD wrong.
Once Trump is in power he will serve one person and one person ONLY. And he will take ANYONE out that stands in his
You will wake up every morning looking at
what your life has become, realizing that you aren't part of the "inner circle" after all. To Trump you are nothing
but resources to be stolen and given to the rich. You are FOOD. You will live the rest of your days wondering
how it all went wrong, and you will